"The Strength of the team is each individual member.
The Strength of each member is the team"
-Phil Jackson
Nicholas Corleto
I have a philosophy that the right decisions are made by having the right knowledge. I strongly believe that education is the best path to choosing the right loan for a client’s needs. I personally take the time to educate and instruct my clients on the entire mortgage/ home buying process. I provide useful and reliable information so the client can make an informed decision before entering into a real estate transaction. This includes providing estimates of what the monthly mortgage payment would be on a wide range of pre-approved prices, as well as estimating the closing costs and down payment needs so there are no surprises at closing.
Buying a home can be a stressful process and I want to make sure my clients know what is going on at every step. This not only speeds up the process but also eases the stress while helping them to minimize costs.
My business encompasses a full array of borrowers and price ranges, but I must say that I receive the most gratification in helping to educate the First Time Buyer. I spend extra time in going over all of the important details including tax benefits for owning and how you can put that to immediate use. Many times this information can make a difference in the borrower’s perspective of their “comfort” payment.
I am always looking to exceed your expectations and obtain the best possible financing available for your specific goals and needs.
For more reviews: https://www.zillow.com/lender-profile/ncorleto0
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